LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ugh. Gains and Bad Attitudes

It's obvious. Every time I give myself permission to slack, or every time my bad attitude (often cycle-related) gets in the way of my goals, the scale suffers. After sitting pretty at 170 for a few days, eating sushi (in moderation--but not moderating the soy sauce like I should) and giving myself permission to eat fast food, the scale showed me 171.25 today.


Water weight? I dunno.

PS: BF and I are pretty much patched up. YAY! Also, the extra calorie burn that comes from being "back to normal" with him is helping, too! (tee hee)

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't worry too much about a little gain. Good luck with losing the rest of the weight! That is awesome that you are getting your PhD in chemistry! I just finished my junior in college. I am majoring in Biochemistry. I feel like giving up sometimes. I love it, but man it gets hard!
