LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still at 174 and a Re-evaluation of my goals.

My weight is 174lbs
My BMI is 29.9.

I am so...tentative about this weight. I hate stepping on the scale for fear that it's a weird "up" day and that I'll be magically obese again (175 and up is "obese" according to BMI for my 5'4" height).

I know, I know. BMI sucks. Blah blah, body frame, something about muscle density. But it still feels profound to be labelled as OBESE, whatever the measure. In good news, my waist-to-hip ratio is still 0.79. This is puts me in the "healthy" range.

So my initial goal was to get to 145. That is to lose 40 lbs. I've lost 11 pounds. 29 to go?

Well that's tricky now. Because if I'm adhering to BMI, 145 puts me RIGHT at the line between overweight and "healthy." I really want to be smack in the middle of healthy. Not hovering in between. That would mean 127 pounds. Holy fuckcrap. That's super tiny. AGAIN. I know that BMI is lame.

For adjusted ideal body weight (according to frame size), I'm "in between."

According to my wrist circumference, I have a "broad" body frame and should weigh anywhere from 132-149.
According to the breadth of my elbow, I have a medium frame and should be somewhere between 122 and 135.

So to be safe, maybe I should set my goal for the average? 134.5? Hot damn. I can't even remotely imagine what I would look like at that weight. I feel like I have too much muscle to weigh 135. Losing 50lbs?!?! That's like, impossible. And that means I'd have 39 more pounds to lose.

I had a mini-promise to myself to take pictures at every 10lbs lost. But I forgot to start the photos until I was 180. So at 170lbs, I'll take some photos. What I might do is get to that magical 134.5 and maintain it for a while. If maintaining that weight feels like way too much work, I might review the photos and reconsider what is a comfortable weight to maintain. I dunno. Anything under 150 feels unreasonably thin to me somehow. I've not been that small since....early high school? I don't have any idea what size I would be wearing. It's just impossible to fathom.

And will I still have this round face? Will my boobs sag? Where will my skin go? Will my tattoos look different?

Do I even want to be "skinny?" Ugh. We'll see. I want to be fucking hot, that's what. I want to look good on a beach.
Even though I live in the mountains, haha.


  1. I agree with you on all of these BMI issues. At 5'2'' I should weigh like 120lbs. I'm way to built to be 120lbs, I would look anorexic. I had a hard time with how drawn my face looked at 140lbs. I think that's where I would like to be, ideally. I was a size 12, I was happy.

    Where did you find that information measuring the wrist circumference and your elbow? I'm intrigued by that.

  2. I couldn't find the website I used yesterday. I might just be amending my "frame size" to medium, since there are so many different sources. Some sites say that the wrist measurement I used (the one that gave me a "broad frame") should give me a medium frame??? So if both are in agreement, then perhaps I should be medium frame and 128.5lbs. Fuck. I'm worried that I just wouldn't feel like...myself-at that weight. Kinda like you are sayinga bout your face. Except I've got big chubby cherub cheeks and I'd be happy to be shed of them.

    And sizes freak me the hell out. There's a lady on my fitbit site that's 5'9 and about 200 pounds. She wears (supposedly) a size 12 and sometimes 14. That's what I wear at 25 pounds less than her! And then you at 5'2 at 140 wearing a 12? Bonkers. When I was 150, I was still wearing a 10. I'm guessing that the SMALLEST I could be at 130 would be a size 6 (but more likely an 8?), but I don't know.

    Anyhow, how to take the measurement is here: There's a link on that site that shows how to correlate the frame size with ideal weight.

  3. Hey there, new reader :) This whole BMI thing is tricky, maybe just take on a goal of say 15 lbs at a time and stop when you feel good! whatever works for you.. But I agree, it's better to weight a little hight but have that lean muscle mass. Good luck!

  4. Yeah, I'm kind of amazed at the fact that as 140 I was a 12, but I'm a 16 now. Thankfully I've really never gotten any higher than a 16, but I'd love to be a 10 or a 12, especially if I could do it for my wedding. So you know, I could try on the dresses instead of having my sister as a stand in or something.

    Thanks for the measurement thing. I'm definitely going to take a look at that!
