Boosh. Now to stay soundly in the 170s. For real this time.
Oh, nevermind the leftover pizza that I HAVE to eat. Do any of you do this with leftovers? I order something really unhealthy (the enormous carne asada "Burrito Loco" from 3 margaritas, a pizza, some other shitty food) and then I eat it in tiny, approximately 200-300 calorie portions. I know that sounds like a lot of calories, but because shitty food is so high in fat, it's very calorie-dense. So yes, one slice of pizza is about 270 calories. And I'll eat that (and maybe a piece of fruit) for lunch.
I can't just THROW IT AWAY!!! The real solution is that I shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Duh. So this is, in a way, reminiscent of the Twinkie diet professor. Remember my post about a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, regardless of its source? This is what I was thinking of when I wrote it. The professor ate nothing but junk crap Hostess food for 10 weeks. But, he made sure that his actual calorie count that he ate was less than what he burned.
you know, provided that you don't gain muscle or water weight or are pregnant or growing an enormous tumor or something.
So. You'd think (and health "experts" would have you think) that sure, he's losing weight, but his cholesterol/heart pressure/galbladder will suffer from a "diet" like this. Well, his cholesterol levels IMPROVED. His body fat percentage went down. His blood pressure was not negatively affected.
Bottom line? Losing weight is good for you. Doing it the healthy way is probably even better for you (I guess).
So I feel bad about eating things like pizza. However, I feel less bad about it when I just acknowledge the shitty thing I ate, and make sure the rest of my day keeps me in a calorie deficit.
BUT! I'm still new at this. I could be making a huge mistake on this front. I don't want you to go on thinking that I'm eating 1500 calories of bacon fat all day. For the most part (that is, more than 80% of my calories eaten), the food I eat is very healthy, fresh food. And I started this post saying I wanted to stay in the 170s. I do. I will continue to cook more at home and eat better food. But when I make a decision to be indulgent (like ordering a pizza), I've not been gorging on the pizza like I had done before, leaving me with a week's worth of pizza to eat in small portions. And eventually, it feels shameful to have "pizza, 270 calories" on my calorie counter 3 days in a row. But to me, that's better than a dinner lineup of "pizza, 890 calories."