Okay. Here is paleo's biggest problem.
It takes PLANNING. You need to keep in constant supply of meats and veggies. You need to cook/prepare said veggies before they turn into brown slime in your fridge. When you are hungry for SNACKS (and not a meal), you need to have snacks on hand for each type of craving (sweet, salty, crunchy, cold, etc). You need to have TIME (and energy, frankly) to cook your meals.
Failure in any of these areas results in cheating. Fast food can be easier than all of these. When I'm feeling like crap, it's hard to motivate myself to defrost/cook those chicken breasts, clean/prep the veg, and cook them. When I'm feeling munchy at work, unless I have pre-made some kale chips, veggie slices, or brought some other item, I either have to go hungry or get creative at 7-11.
Lately, due to some unexpected stresses (including a failed IUD and other complications), I haven't really done ANY planning or preparing. Each time I need to eat, I'm worrying about what I CAN eat.
My fallback has been beef jerky, almonds, applesauce, and superproteinyogurt (woo!).
I dunno. We'll see if I can improve on this in the next few days.
The other problem I've been having is poor appetite. I'll have that general queasiness that hunger gives you, but no motivation to eat anything. Each idea of what to eat is met with "meh." I end up forcing myself to get some calories into my body because I know I should. We'll see if this appetite lethargy passes.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Just kiddinngggg. Life is great!
Sooo....last night, my symptoms of vertigo began to diminish. Best of all, I was able to EAT. All day, I was too nauseous (even with Zofran) to stomach anything substantial. For dinner, I had chicken broth.
Considering the chicken I had stomached earlier, a few cherries, and some nibblets here and there when I could manage them, I had eaten maybe 600 calories for the day. As my appetite increased (at 9:30pm), I was ravenous, but not sure what I wanted. A spoonful of almond butter, a slice of cheese, and a few mouthfulls of my "superproteinyogurt" later and I headed to bed feeling DAMN good considering the crappy day I had had.
What is this superproteinyogurt, you ask? It's a scoopful of whey protein (the brand is Optimum Nutrition, the flavor is strawberry) into about 1/2c whole fat greek yogurt. I prefer the whole fat to the fat free, as the fat free replaces the fat with starches.
It's delicious--better than a whey shake, and it was easy on my poor stomach.
Today, then, I re-attempted the big W6D3 run: 5min walk, 25min run, 5min walk.
More than halfway through, I was feeling GREAT! I kept going and finished strong! I was so proud of myself. I then stretched, showered, and ate.
25 minutes?!?! I don't think I've ever run that long in my entire life. I still have no idea if runner's high is real--or if I'm just very proud of myself, but I feel SO good.
Week 7 is that same run (w5, r25, w5) three times (eep!).
Week 8 is the same, but 28 instead of 25.
Week 9 is 30. I can do this. I am strong.
Also, I weigh around 175 now (according to my gym scale). Woo!
Considering the chicken I had stomached earlier, a few cherries, and some nibblets here and there when I could manage them, I had eaten maybe 600 calories for the day. As my appetite increased (at 9:30pm), I was ravenous, but not sure what I wanted. A spoonful of almond butter, a slice of cheese, and a few mouthfulls of my "superproteinyogurt" later and I headed to bed feeling DAMN good considering the crappy day I had had.
What is this superproteinyogurt, you ask? It's a scoopful of whey protein (the brand is Optimum Nutrition, the flavor is strawberry) into about 1/2c whole fat greek yogurt. I prefer the whole fat to the fat free, as the fat free replaces the fat with starches.
It's delicious--better than a whey shake, and it was easy on my poor stomach.
Today, then, I re-attempted the big W6D3 run: 5min walk, 25min run, 5min walk.
More than halfway through, I was feeling GREAT! I kept going and finished strong! I was so proud of myself. I then stretched, showered, and ate.
25 minutes?!?! I don't think I've ever run that long in my entire life. I still have no idea if runner's high is real--or if I'm just very proud of myself, but I feel SO good.
Week 7 is that same run (w5, r25, w5) three times (eep!).
Week 8 is the same, but 28 instead of 25.
Week 9 is 30. I can do this. I am strong.
Also, I weigh around 175 now (according to my gym scale). Woo!
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Wellp, that was terrible.
SO...I went to the gym to run.
My last run was W6D2 of C25k, so 5min warmup, 10m run, 3m walk, 10m run, 5min walk. That was SO tough for me to get through, despite the fact that the previous run was walk5, run20, walk5 (which I successfully have done 3 m-effing times!).
Yesterday was supposed to be walk5, run25, walk5. Nerp.
I got to the first 6 minutes of running and wanted to die. I just repeated W6D2, but I only got through four minutes of the second 10m run.
I failed a run. That's a pretty bad feeling.
I figured, I STILL wasn't nourished enough. I decided to eat a hearty meal afterwards of paleo-ed chipotle and a microwaved sweet potato (as well as a handful of cherries).
Holy Crap. And Wholly Crap. IN CAPS.
I felt emotionally and physically drained by my "effort," but determined to try it again either today or tomorrow. This morning, when I woke up to go pee, I found that my trip to the bathroom was...strange. I spent the whole time listing to the side like a drunk person. There and back. I figured, I'd lay down on the opposite side for a while to...even things out? No success. I still stumbled around like a drunkie. A trip to the doctor's (and a stressful encounter with "you don't have health insurance" "YES I DO" "no you don't" "YES-HUH!" "oh, right, well fill out these six retroactive forms and we'll promise the insurance company that you are insured" "FINE"), a round of vomiting, spinning rooms, stumbly walks, and pokes/prods got me a diagnosis with BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). I have some head movement exercises to do and some time to wait to see if it persists longer than a week (!).
Doctor: I see here that you've lost more than 20lbs since we last saw you in January.
Me: Yup.
Doctor: Did you do that on purpose?
Doctor: How?
Me: Hard work and a modified diet.
Doctor: What kind of diet?
Me: Paleo. (cringing, thinking I'd hear a lecture about saturated fats and whatnot)
Doctor: Great! With your PCOS, that's a great diet.
Me: What about exercise with these spins?
Doctor: Erm...as tolerated. What exercise do you do?
Me: Running and weightlifting
Doctor: Machines or freeweights?
Me: Free only. Barbell lifts. (I described what I do)
Doctor: That is great...but make sure you have a spotter with the weights. You might take a nose dive in the gym if you get too wobbly. And I wouldn't want you on a treadmill at all in case things go bad. Better run on a track or the roads for now.
My last run was W6D2 of C25k, so 5min warmup, 10m run, 3m walk, 10m run, 5min walk. That was SO tough for me to get through, despite the fact that the previous run was walk5, run20, walk5 (which I successfully have done 3 m-effing times!).
Yesterday was supposed to be walk5, run25, walk5. Nerp.
I got to the first 6 minutes of running and wanted to die. I just repeated W6D2, but I only got through four minutes of the second 10m run.
I failed a run. That's a pretty bad feeling.
I figured, I STILL wasn't nourished enough. I decided to eat a hearty meal afterwards of paleo-ed chipotle and a microwaved sweet potato (as well as a handful of cherries).
Holy Crap. And Wholly Crap. IN CAPS.
I felt emotionally and physically drained by my "effort," but determined to try it again either today or tomorrow. This morning, when I woke up to go pee, I found that my trip to the bathroom was...strange. I spent the whole time listing to the side like a drunk person. There and back. I figured, I'd lay down on the opposite side for a while to...even things out? No success. I still stumbled around like a drunkie. A trip to the doctor's (and a stressful encounter with "you don't have health insurance" "YES I DO" "no you don't" "YES-HUH!" "oh, right, well fill out these six retroactive forms and we'll promise the insurance company that you are insured" "FINE"), a round of vomiting, spinning rooms, stumbly walks, and pokes/prods got me a diagnosis with BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). I have some head movement exercises to do and some time to wait to see if it persists longer than a week (!).
Doctor: I see here that you've lost more than 20lbs since we last saw you in January.
Me: Yup.
Doctor: Did you do that on purpose?
Doctor: How?
Me: Hard work and a modified diet.
Doctor: What kind of diet?
Me: Paleo. (cringing, thinking I'd hear a lecture about saturated fats and whatnot)
Doctor: Great! With your PCOS, that's a great diet.
Me: What about exercise with these spins?
Doctor: Erm...as tolerated. What exercise do you do?
Me: Running and weightlifting
Doctor: Machines or freeweights?
Me: Free only. Barbell lifts. (I described what I do)
Doctor: That is great...but make sure you have a spotter with the weights. You might take a nose dive in the gym if you get too wobbly. And I wouldn't want you on a treadmill at all in case things go bad. Better run on a track or the roads for now.
Monday, July 02, 2012
Weightlifting and C25k
So! Sunday, I went weightlifting. It was squat/bench/deadlift day.
I completed my daily goal of 105lbs squat, shorted myself on 70lbs bench (and barely finished it). I warmed up for deadlift and did the 80lbs deadlift. A little feeling I had kept surfacing--80lbs was too easy. Time to bump it up. 100lbs. I did it. It was hard. Typically at the end of my squat/bench sets, I rack the bar thinking "blarrgghhhhhh," and at the end of most of my DL sets, I just am done. No sense of serious accomplishment.
NOT THIS TIME, BITCHES. 100lbs and I was EXHAUSTED. I was breathing hard and needed a minute to gather myself after. Woo!!
On Friday, I had thought to continue my C25k. Here's what week 5 SHOULD have looked like (all days begin and end with a 5 minute brisk warmup/cooldown walk):
Day 1: Run 5, walk 3, run 5, walk 3, run 5.
Day 2: Run 8, walk 5, run 8.
Day 3: Run 20.
But what I did instead was:
Day 1: Run 8, walk 5, run 8.
Day 2: Run 20.
Day 3: Run 20.
And for week 6, the "should do" plan is:
Day 1: Run 5, walk 3, run 8, walk 3, run 5.
Day 2: Run 10, walk 3, run 10.
For day 1, I just ran 20. For day 2, I THOUGHT I'd try to impress myself and do the Day 3 workout, which is "run 25." However, by 7 minutes into the first run, I thought I was DYING. I barely made it through the planned workout for Day 2, despite my efforts to talk myself into running just 20, as I had done 3 times successfully before then. I stressed out a lot about this. Then, I remembered what I had eaten the previous night and earlier that day--basically NOTHING. I hadn't felt particularly hungry. Also, I know if I eat before I run, I'll feel it bouncing around in my belly and that's just awful.
Running with essential zero nutrients to fuel me is a terrible plan.
Today, I intend to try the Day 3 workout, Run 25. Well fueled and pumped.
I completed my daily goal of 105lbs squat, shorted myself on 70lbs bench (and barely finished it). I warmed up for deadlift and did the 80lbs deadlift. A little feeling I had kept surfacing--80lbs was too easy. Time to bump it up. 100lbs. I did it. It was hard. Typically at the end of my squat/bench sets, I rack the bar thinking "blarrgghhhhhh," and at the end of most of my DL sets, I just am done. No sense of serious accomplishment.
NOT THIS TIME, BITCHES. 100lbs and I was EXHAUSTED. I was breathing hard and needed a minute to gather myself after. Woo!!
On Friday, I had thought to continue my C25k. Here's what week 5 SHOULD have looked like (all days begin and end with a 5 minute brisk warmup/cooldown walk):
Day 1: Run 5, walk 3, run 5, walk 3, run 5.
Day 2: Run 8, walk 5, run 8.
Day 3: Run 20.
But what I did instead was:
Day 1: Run 8, walk 5, run 8.
Day 2: Run 20.
Day 3: Run 20.
And for week 6, the "should do" plan is:
Day 1: Run 5, walk 3, run 8, walk 3, run 5.
Day 2: Run 10, walk 3, run 10.
For day 1, I just ran 20. For day 2, I THOUGHT I'd try to impress myself and do the Day 3 workout, which is "run 25." However, by 7 minutes into the first run, I thought I was DYING. I barely made it through the planned workout for Day 2, despite my efforts to talk myself into running just 20, as I had done 3 times successfully before then. I stressed out a lot about this. Then, I remembered what I had eaten the previous night and earlier that day--basically NOTHING. I hadn't felt particularly hungry. Also, I know if I eat before I run, I'll feel it bouncing around in my belly and that's just awful.
Running with essential zero nutrients to fuel me is a terrible plan.
Today, I intend to try the Day 3 workout, Run 25. Well fueled and pumped.
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