LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Just kiddinngggg. Life is great!

Sooo....last night, my symptoms of vertigo began to diminish. Best of all, I was able to EAT. All day, I was too nauseous (even with Zofran) to stomach anything substantial. For dinner, I had chicken broth.

Considering the chicken I had stomached earlier, a few cherries, and some nibblets here and there when I could manage them, I had eaten maybe 600 calories for the day. As my appetite increased (at 9:30pm), I was ravenous, but not sure what I wanted. A spoonful of almond butter, a slice of cheese, and a few mouthfulls of  my "superproteinyogurt" later and I headed to bed feeling DAMN good considering the crappy day I had had.

What is this superproteinyogurt, you ask? It's a scoopful of whey protein (the brand is Optimum Nutrition, the flavor is strawberry) into about 1/2c whole fat greek yogurt. I prefer the whole fat to the fat free, as the fat free replaces the fat with starches.

It's delicious--better than a whey shake, and it was easy on my poor stomach.

Today, then, I re-attempted the big W6D3 run: 5min walk, 25min run, 5min walk.

More than halfway through, I was feeling GREAT! I kept going and finished strong! I was so proud of myself. I then stretched, showered, and ate.


25 minutes?!?! I don't think I've ever run that long in my entire life. I still have no idea if runner's high is real--or if I'm just very proud of myself, but I feel SO good.

Week 7 is that same run (w5, r25, w5) three times (eep!).

Week 8 is the same, but 28 instead of 25.

Week 9 is 30. I can do this. I am strong.

Also, I weigh around 175 now (according to my gym scale). Woo!

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