Okay. Here is paleo's biggest problem.
It takes PLANNING. You need to keep in constant supply of meats and veggies. You need to cook/prepare said veggies before they turn into brown slime in your fridge. When you are hungry for SNACKS (and not a meal), you need to have snacks on hand for each type of craving (sweet, salty, crunchy, cold, etc). You need to have TIME (and energy, frankly) to cook your meals.
Failure in any of these areas results in cheating. Fast food can be easier than all of these. When I'm feeling like crap, it's hard to motivate myself to defrost/cook those chicken breasts, clean/prep the veg, and cook them. When I'm feeling munchy at work, unless I have pre-made some kale chips, veggie slices, or brought some other item, I either have to go hungry or get creative at 7-11.
Lately, due to some unexpected stresses (including a failed IUD and other complications), I haven't really done ANY planning or preparing. Each time I need to eat, I'm worrying about what I CAN eat.
My fallback has been beef jerky, almonds, applesauce, and superproteinyogurt (woo!).
I dunno. We'll see if I can improve on this in the next few days.
The other problem I've been having is poor appetite. I'll have that general queasiness that hunger gives you, but no motivation to eat anything. Each idea of what to eat is met with "meh." I end up forcing myself to get some calories into my body because I know I should. We'll see if this appetite lethargy passes.
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