LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Wellp, that was terrible.

SO...I went to the gym to run.

My last run was W6D2 of C25k, so 5min warmup, 10m run, 3m walk, 10m run, 5min walk. That was SO tough for me to get through, despite the fact that the previous run was walk5, run20, walk5 (which I successfully have done 3 m-effing times!).

Yesterday was supposed to be walk5, run25, walk5. Nerp.

I got to the first 6 minutes of running and wanted to die. I just repeated W6D2, but I only got through four minutes of the second 10m run.

I failed a run. That's a pretty bad feeling.

I figured, I STILL wasn't nourished enough. I decided to eat a hearty meal afterwards of paleo-ed chipotle and a microwaved sweet potato (as well as a handful of cherries).

Holy Crap. And Wholly Crap. IN CAPS.

I felt emotionally and physically drained by my "effort," but determined to try it again either today or tomorrow. This morning, when I woke up to go pee, I found that my trip to the bathroom was...strange. I spent the whole time listing to the side like a drunk person. There and back. I figured, I'd lay down on the opposite side for a while to...even things out? No success. I still stumbled around like a drunkie. A trip to the doctor's (and a stressful encounter with "you don't have health insurance" "YES I DO" "no you don't" "YES-HUH!" "oh, right, well fill out these six retroactive forms and we'll promise the insurance company that you are insured" "FINE"), a round of vomiting, spinning rooms, stumbly walks, and pokes/prods got me a diagnosis with BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). I have some head movement exercises to do and some time to wait to see if it persists longer than a week (!).

Doctor: I see here that you've lost more than 20lbs since we last saw you in January.
Me: Yup.
Doctor: Did you do that on purpose?
Doctor: How?
Me: Hard work and a modified diet.
Doctor: What kind of diet?
Me: Paleo. (cringing, thinking I'd hear a lecture about saturated fats and whatnot)
Doctor: Great! With your PCOS, that's a great diet.
Me: What about exercise with these spins?
Doctor: tolerated. What exercise do you do?
Me: Running and weightlifting
Doctor: Machines or freeweights?
Me: Free only. Barbell lifts. (I described what I do)
Doctor: That is great...but make sure you have a spotter with the weights. You might take a nose dive in the gym if you get too wobbly. And I wouldn't want you on a treadmill at all in case things go bad. Better run on a track or the roads for now.


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