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Monday, May 14, 2012

My current take on food. Permanent?

Permanent take on food? Is there such a thing? Back up off me! I can't see the damn future.

But what is true is that I feel good (as opposed to "good enough). And feeling good is good.

So in my previous post, I mentioned that I had cut out starch and sugar. BAM! I know what you're thinking--restrictive diets never work, they result in relapse, ad nauseum. And I agree--except I don't feel restricted. In fact, I feel completely unconstrained. I have stopped monitoring calories ENTIRELY. I have stopped stressing about protein and macronutrient ratios. I eat when I'm hungry and I eat as much as I want until I'm not hungry. Because of the foods that I'm eating, it's actually UNCOMFORTABLE to graze and keep eating when I've had "enough." Before, I could graze and pick absentmindedly, no big deal. Not anymore.

What did I do? I. Went. Paleo.

I know what you're thinking. Caveman diet? What about saturated fats? Isn't that just for hippies and crazies?


For those that don't know, the idea behind eating paleo is that from an evolutionary standpoint, our species evolved as hunter gatherers. Leafy greens, vegetables, some meats, some tubers, some seasonal fruits--no grains. Grains, from a timeline perspective, were introduced in the last...0.6% of our evolutionary history. The argument is that evolution is slow, and that perhaps we are not (yet) evolutionarily equipped to "handle" grains/legumes/dairy. Paleo-people argue that eating these things results in--cue dramatic interlude--inflammation.

I'm not so sold on that. It sounds kind of like those "cleanse" things they try to sell you in Whole Foods that try to rid your body of "toxins." Bullshit.

As for saturated fats, the biggest thing people point to is cardiovascular disease. If you increase the amount of meats and fats in your diet, are you risking coronary disease? The short answer is: FUCK! Nobody agrees. NOBODY. Scroll down to the Cardiovascular Disease section here.

It does. It doesn't. Fine. But do you know what's unhealthy for SURE? Being fat.
So I started eating paleo. Meats, poultry, eggs, and LOTS AND LOTS of vegetables (kale, cauliflower, steamed green beans, a bit of sweet potato, lettuces, avocado, spinach, etc.). A bit of fruit here and there (strawberries, pears) and a bit of dairy (but not a whole lot), and I don't feel like I'm missing much.

My meals are bountiful. Last night I made Anne Burrell's braised short ribs served over steamed fresh green beans (or haricot verts if you want to be fancy). Sometimes it's steak and sauteed chard. Or bacon and eggs with a sweet potato hash. Mashed cauliflower. Roasted asparagus. GRILLED THINGS. And I feel full. Satisfied. I don't feel like a calorie-counting portion-managing hunger beast. Feels good man. Snacks include string cheese, applesauce, almonds, half an avocado, a hard boiled egg. No big deal. I don't feel lacking yet. Some people make kale chips. Sounds good. I dunno, haven't tried it yet.

Energy-wise, I'm doing good. I work out like a beast and for the most part, I feel like I have the energy for it. I'm lifting free weights. I want to be STRONG. I'm using this program and it's really fun.

And as for cardio, I got burned out so damned fast on 20 minutes here or there on the elliptical. I decided that a goal-oriented program was for me. C25K, bitches!!!! I'm a few weeks in and enjoying it. D even has vowed to do it with me.

So, I'm down to 181.5lbs and feeling good. Even if the whole insulin shuttle thing is bullshit. Even if Paleo people might be a bunch of crazies. Even if cutting out starch seems radical, I don't give a crap for now. I feel good, satiated, and full of energy.

I'm excited to see where this takes me.

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