LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Holy crapfuck?!? I lost 15 pounds? In just under 14 weeks?


We'll see on Thursday (my official "weigh-in" day) if this is a real number.

Weighing 170 makes me feel several things:
1) Almost to the 160s. I wonder how much time I'll spend there.
2) Oh god, oh god. I've lost 15lbs. I'm only 3.5lbs away from losing 10% of my starting weight.
3) I should start lifting weights more seriously. When I feel on my arms, I feel lots of fat. If all of that fat burns off, I'd have some damn scrawny arms. I never want to be scrawny. My legs/shoulders are super muscular. I need to develop my:
4) According to BMI, I'm still 25lbs away from getting out of the "overweight" category. I've said goodbye to "obesity." 25lbs seems like a faaarrrr way to go, and it would only still put me at the cusp of "health" and "heifer."
5) I'm loving how exercise has so easily become incorporated into "routine." I don't dread it. I look forward to it. Even if most of the time, it's a 20-25 minute lunchtime cardio adventure.
6) I'm going to take photos every two weeks. I think it will help me better catalog my journey. Especially if I start to hit a plateau.

I'm very inspired by this woman's weight loss/health journey

I'm not quite interested in going out and buying the p90X or Turbofire workouts yet, but I might try it in the summer? I just love going to the gym and never find myself super motivated by at-home workouts.

Do any of you do at home workouts? What about couch-to-5k? I'm sort of interested in running, but I REALLY prefer the gym. It seems that a lot of weight loss people have the following progression:
1) Goal to walk/jog/run a 5k at a leisurely pace. Really, just to finish it.
2) Actually RUN one.
3) Run a 10k.
4) Triathlon.
5) Half marathon.
6) Marathon.
I've seen it in blogs more times than I can count. It pulls at my heartstrings to read their stories and see how proud they are with all their friends/families supporting them, seeing them in their trim running clothes (rain or shine), usually some sort of dumb hat (I hate baseball-type hats. That's why I say dumb), and with that rectangular tag on their shirt, proving that they aren't just doing a 5k. They are an ATHLETE.

I don't have aspirations like that. I've done a few 5ks. They're kinda gross. People spit all the time and blow out snot rockets. There are cups tossed about everywhere and gatorade making the ground sticky. HERDS of sweaty people just...squick me out. Plus, I don't have the TIME to devote to the training it would take to have me do numbers 4, 5, and 6.

However, that doesn't mean I don't want to feel like an athlete again. I do. I want to have a healthy body that is able to do the things I want it to do. I want to be lean, strong, flexible, powerful, and toned. People talk about "toning up" all the time. But it's not possible to see nice toned muscles without burning off the fat first. But there's no reason to wait. Even though I keep waiting. I want to commit to doing resistance training more often.

So currently, what I want to do is re-evaluate my goals.
1) How often to the gym in a week? Now that my tattoo is finished, I think that I'll be able to get in there 5x a week again. Maybe.
2) How many of those sessions will incorporate resistance training?
3) Maybe incorporate one fitness-based activity every weekend?
4) What are my food goals? I want to eat healthier and really make a stronger effort to stave off nighttime hunger (and the resulting binges).

We'll see how things shape up. HA! It's a pun! But an unintentional one.

Kinda like the tattoo artist this weekend that works in my guy's shop. They were hosting an art gallery opening in their shop that night for an artist that had a skeleton/skull theme. One of his friends arrived with cupcakes decorated with skulls. He went to go see them and came back in, notifying us that "Dude. those cupcakes are SWEET." I chortled and poked fun at him for making a dumb pun. He didn't get it. Patrick (my tattoo artist) did, though. And we quietly made fun of him for being stupid (and punny).

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