LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, March 25, 2011

Faux Plateau. Still at 179.25

So I'm nearing the point where I usually quit the weight-loss attempt. I've lost some weight, I'm seeing little changes in my body, and I'm encouraged by it. I'm simultaneously discouraged by the fact that I will not see significant changes for, oh, I don't know, 3 months or so. As such, my excitement and impatience makes me think: fuck it! I can eat that. I'll work it off in the gym.

Right now, the calorie deficits aren't what they were in the beginning on my FitBit tracker. Additionally, I've not been sticking to the weight training that I had initially wanted to do. I've just been churning away on cardio.

So this isn't a real plateau. It's a self-induced plateau in which I'm not eating like I should, I'm not weight training like I had wanted to, and my enthusiasm for the whole process is waning.

HOWEVER! I hadn't really noticed this trend actively. I've been honestly logging my calories on the FitBit site, and (today) looking back at my last week of intake vs. burn (something I hadn't done in a while due to my shame over the weekend eating disaster), I noticed that I'm not doing as well as I should have been doing. And there was a spark. That sort of competitive jolt that makes me want to do better. I will.

Here's my commitment for today:
1) Gym at lunch AND after work. I'm feeling high in energy and I want to really challenge my body today. (ETA: I did! 25 minutes of hard cardio at lunch, a warm-up cardio along with biceps and chest in the evening)
2) DO NOT have a lazy couch Saturday like I did last week. (ETA: It was still a pretty lazy couch Saturday)
3) Go for a long walk with the dog on Sunday. Maybe to the dog park? Maybe a jog? (I hate running on the roads. Hated? It's been almost a year since I've been out running, so maybe give it another shot?).
(ETA: I went to the dog park and did a lot of walking on Sunday)

Oh. And here's another dumb thing. My body's...umm...digestive system does better when I eat better. FINE intestines, whatever YOU want.

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