Ugh. I had big plans for my evening workout yesterday. However, I ended up doing less than planned.
10 min on the Arc Trainer at a pretty high resistance and incline
10 min on a treadmill walking and running.
I was sweating and exhausted. I was really REALLY tired before I even got to the gym. I almost considered not going, but couldn't talk myself out of it. Rather than that, I managed to talk myself into half-assing it apparently. I'm glad I went, though.
Today, I'm feeling REALLY low energy. I didn't get much sleep, I woke up with what feels like allergies, and I also woke up in a rush due to hitting snooze--and then turning my alarm off. Made it to work on time, though. Huge cup of coffee in hand, bleary-eyed, and half-listening to my audio book.
Speaking of audio books, how's this for weird:
I always always listen to my little Zune player at the gym. What's playing in it? Whatever book I'm "reading" at the time. Not exactly good for pumping someone up. But here's the thing. When I'm listening to music while exercising, I tend to feel like the time passes really slowly. With the book, I sort of get lost in the story for a bit and then whoa, 10 minutes have passed. I'm an strange bird.
Oh! And as an update, I still weigh 179.25lbs. The big greasy slob disaster wasn't so bad.
And Boyfriend's sister is having a BOY!!!!
Guess how I spent last night. I got home from rehearsal at 10:30 and then proceeded to eat what the computer is telling me was over 1000 CALORIES worth of cheese. Feel better now? :)